See a Vision of True Wealth

See a Vision of True Wealth

What is True Wealth?

True wealth is more than just money and stuff you own.  It’s also about good experiences, close relationships, and personal growth that makes you a better person. To really be wealthy means having financial stability plus lots of love, joy and peace—peace with others and peace with God your Creator and Redeemer. 

Truth is the Core of True Wealth

To have true wealth you must have truth. You must live by truth and speak truth. Keep discovering truth and never let it go.

But what is truth? Truth is all that accords with facts and reality from the Creator’s perspective. After all, it is His world and He knows what has been, what is, and what will be in the future. He knows what is important and what really matters for all eternity. We need God’s perspective to have the truth.

So, you must have truth. It is a continual pursuit of understanding facts and reality in a constantly changing world. And with so many people spinning lies these days it is hard to find truth. But the accumulation of knowledge leads to wisdom and creativity in how to make this world a better place.

So, What is True Wealth?

Society often measures success by what people have. But here at True Wealth Health Products we say that we all should look at it more broadly. 

True wealth is based on three pillars—Vibrant Health, Positive Relationships, and Financial Freedom.

So, with truth at the core, true wealth is based on three pillars—vibrant health, positive relationships, and financial freedom.

Vibrant Health: Part 1 of 3 of True Wealth

Vibrant health is way more than just the absence of a diagnosed sickness. It is more than a doctor’s pronunciation of a “clean bill of health” at your latest check-up.  You feel great, pain-free. You have energy to power through your day. Colds, flus and other infections don’t get you down much at all as your resistance is stellar. Your mind and memory recall are sharp. You are emotionally resilient and can handle what life throws at you.

Here is a picture of what vibrant health could be like for you:

vibrant health is part of true wealth

Physical Health

Your body is in great shape, in spite of past injuries that you have worked through. You are physically strong. Bumps, bruises and strains don’t last long as you heal relatively quickly. You don’t really notice your joints as they give you no pain. Stomach pain is virtually unknown to you, as it gives you no pain from allergies or food sensitivities.

In fact, pain isn’t a normal part of your physical existence other than acute injuries from pushing yourself hard or the occasional accident. You generally go to bed tired, but without pain, and you wake up with no pain, ready to tackle the day. Basically, you are fit and strong for your sex, age, and size. Your body doesn’t slow you down at all, but enables you to do all that you feel called to do.

crying women hugging each other

Emotional Health

You are able to handle the trials of life with grace, steadiness and maturity. You have emotional resilience to navigate difficult circumstances. With so many broken nuclear families, you may be one who has struggled with emotional wounds and a lack of strong emotional health. But you have grown and overcome those challenges to grow into emotional maturity.

mental health and acuity are part of true wealth.

Mental Health

Your brain works well. You may feel down at times, as most people occasionally do, but you don’t suffer from depression. Your focus is razor sharp. Your mind is clear and your thinking is not “foggy.” Your ability to recall is fast and doesn’t fail you. Old memories and new ones are just as clear.

Positive Relationships: Part 2 of 3 of True Wealth

positive, loving relationships are part of true wealth.

Healthy Relationships with People

You have strong bonds with family, friends and community. You feel close to someone in your life, whether it is a spouse, a brother, sister, mom, dad or another relative who knows your history.  Outside of your family you have a close friend or two. You are connected to a broader community around you, through church groups, or civic groups, or local community activities.  You both give benefit and receive benefit from your relationships around you with mutual support for one another. Through all of these relationships you have a sense of belonging and community.

You don’t always get along with everybody in your life, but you are able to work through your problems, balancing between going silent and going ballistic while resolving conflicts, finding solutions that are mutually beneficial so that you all get what you really want.

True wealth includes relationship with God.

Healthy Relationship with God­

You may not know who exactly God is yet, but you know that there is a Being out there beyond us and all the physical stuff that exists in the universe, a Creator that is way smarter than us. As one who pursues truth, your spiritual journey is probably a process, just like in everyone else, but you possess some measure of faith in God. You know He exists and that at some level He desires your best interest.  Anchored in your faith in God, you know, or are figuring out, your purpose in life. And ultimately, your relationship with God takes away your fear of death. Death is just the gateway for eternal life. This life is very short, but you were created to exist forever in God’s presence.

gold coins and bullions

Financial Stability / Freedom: Part 3 of 3 of True Wealth

Having the financial means to do what you want, where you want to, with who you want to be with, for as long as you want is one way of defining financial freedom. But everyone has limits, even billionaires. However, gaining freedom by controlling assets to provide for your liabilities is a reasonable goal for most of us.

Getting away from the exchange of our own time for money is a great way of describing financial freedom.

Getting free from exchanging time for money is a worthy goal, as your time is your most limited asset on earth. Your time could be spent better building relationships, maintaining health, and giving back to others to make this world a better place.

The industrial revolution has made many of us wage slaves to the corporations who needed people to make widgets, write copy, manage crews, and document everything. The 8-5 job may provide financial stability. At least it used to. And the promise of the corporations to take care of their workers is vanishing, or is completely gone now. A family cannot live in financial stability like the previous generation on a single income. So, we need to pursue a different path to financial stability and financial freedom.

So true wealth covers a lot more ground than just money and possessions.  It’s really about physical, mental and emotional health, positive, loving relationships with people and with God, and financial stability and freedom to use your assets, other than your time, to pay for your needs.

What makes you feel truly wealthy in life?

The pursuit of true wealth encourages self-reflection on your values and legacy.  It’s an ongoing process that enriches life in ways money can’t buy. Money helps, like a good pair of shoes on a long journey, but it is not the true treasure that we want to accumulate.  By rethinking wealth we may realize life’s most valuable treasures are not financial.

Here at True Wealth Health Products we encourage you to pursue true wealth. We provide education and products that will assist you in gaining strong physical and mental health. Our mission is lifting humanity to a higher plane of abundant living.

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